Someone Again
Some years back, the New Orleans band Cowboy Mouth was performing in Nashville. One of their publishers, Alan Brewer, asked me to write with the band’s guitarist, Paul Sanchez, whom I’d never met. Alan said he wanted me to rein Paul in, to write something more mainstream with him. It didn’t go that way.
Paul came to my house with a great idea, and a strong melody that I started to re-harmonize at the piano. We both added a bridge, and realized we had written a very touching song of loss and longing for identity. But it certainly wasn’t mainstream country. Paul eventually put it on a record of collaborations with other New Orleans artists titled, “Between Friends.” Kevin Griffin of Better Than Ezra sang it with the perfect balance of restraint and emotion, and the use of real strings heightened that emotion. It ended up being one of my favorite songs.
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